Mindy Yao Receives IEEE AP-S Pre-Doctoral Research Grant

Undergraduate researcher Mindy Yao received the prestigious 2025 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) Pre-Doctoral Research Grant. Mindy worked as researcher at the mmWave Antennas and Arrays Laboratory. She has made contributions to the mmWave robotic antenna measurement setup as well as spherical nearfield to farfield transformations. She graduated with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in December 2025 and joined Skyworks as an RF Module Design Intern. Congratulations Mindy!

Seung Yoon Lee Receives IEEE 2023 Antennas & Propagation Society (AP-S) Doctoral Research Grant

Seung Yoon (Sonny) Lee was awarded the prestigious IEEE 2023 Antennas & Propagation Society (AP-S) Doctoral Research Grant. The grant awards $5000 to only 10 PhD students globally every year to support students in their pursuit of careers in electromagnetics. Sonny’s project aims to develop a highly efficient on-chip antenna array operating in the mmWave band, incorporating low-loss vanadium dioxide (VO­­­­2) switches through monolithic integration. The primary objective is to design, fabricate, and characterize a 60 GHz electronically scanned array for high-speed wireless systems.

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Sonny receives the IEEE Ph.D. Student Travel Grant

Seung Yoon (Sonny) Lee, a Ph.D. student, was awarded the IEEE Ph.D. Student Travel Grant during the 2023 IEEE AP-S/URSI meeting in Portland, Oregon. This competitive grant is a recognition of excellence in their field of research, with 20 exceptional applicants, including Sonny, chosen to receive this travel grant, amounting to $1000 USD per recipient. (Link)