Ashley Goodnight Receives NSF Fellowship

Undergraduate researcher Ashley Goodnight receives the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). Ashley has been involved in design, fabrication, and test of tunable mmWave transmission lines using phase-change materials. She recently received her B.S. from Georgia Institute of Technology. Ashley will join MIT as a Ph.D. student in Fall 2024. We wish her the very best. Congratulations Ashley! We will miss you!

David West Receives NDSEG Fellowship

Ph.D. student David West receives the prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship. David joined Georgia Tech and mmWave Antennas and Arrays Laboratory as a Ph.D. student in 2022. He has performed research on VO2-based reconfigurable mmWave devices, including tunable Ka-band polarizers, low-loss switches, mmWave arrays, and periodic structures.  Congratulations David!